:)When going to get professional photos done is it better to wear a matte or shine lipstick?
If you are doing a black and white photo or mostly black and white I would use a bolder color MATTE lip-stick. In b%26amp;w photos The least amount of shimmer/frost the better. The shutter has to open a bit longer and more light is exposed onto the skin you can get flashbacks. Use a well hydrating lip color so you won't have the lines or bleading on your lips. The reason I said a bold color is because you want them to show up. If you use a lighter shade they will fade into your skin. I would stay away from red/ wine colors or they will look black in the pic but a good deep rose or brown is great. I hope this works for ya and good luck on the photos.When going to get professional photos done is it better to wear a matte or shine lipstick?
it depends. if you want your lips to be emphasized, use shiny lipstick in a light color, or go for a dark shade of matte lipstick. if you want the attention not on your lips, go for a natural shade, doesn't matter if matte or shiny. or, do wear whatever lipstick you feel like wearing. :)
matte. i model, and they try not to use shine lipstick unless its for a cosmetics campaign, because the shine can often give a funky glittery shiny spot in the actual photo... stick with matte. or lip tint/colored lip balm.
It depends on what kind of shots your going for and how dramatic your eye makeup is, the color of the lipstick..so many factors, I cant really tell you without more information. Update your question!
matte i'd say
shiny kinda reflects the light a little too much
it depends if you want emphasis on your lips or not,
but if the main focus is your face and not your lips,
go the matte :D
if its going to be b%26amp;w i guess matte lipstick is better.
shine lipstick it stands out nicely
i love shiny it will bring lots of attention towards ur lips if tats wat u want
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